
Lenny Ladner For State Representative, TN 69 District

Hi:   I'm Lenny Ladner and I'm running for State  Representative in Tennessee's 69 Assembly District. That is in Lewis, Hickman and Dickson counties.   The only thing you have to know about someone running for elective office is how they are going to vote and why.   I will base my vote on any bill, whether it is on the floor, in a committee, in a subcommittee  or a thinly attended caucus.  I will base my vote on a question.   If this bill passes will it INCREASE the size of the government? Will it INCREASE the cost of the government? Will it EXTEND the reach of the government? Or will it INCREASE the power of the government?   If any of those conditions are met   I WILL VOTE NO ON THAT BILL BECAUSE WE HAVE  TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT NOW!       My views on the Second Amendment: If we hand in our guns to the government, either piecemeal or all at once. What is going to protect us from the government???   Now this video was p...